David Díaz.

Sketch Presets for Desktop Screens

I’ve been using Sketch to create mock ups for clients lately. So far so good. Today, I wanted to create art board presets for common desktop screen sizes. It took me a little while to find out how to organize them into folders. Luckily for me, Jan Drewniak has a blog post detailing how to do just this.

Sketch actually keeps these artboard presets in an artboards.sketchpreset file located somewhere on your mac. If you’re using the App Store version of Sketch, then the file is located here:

~/Library/Containers/com.bohemiancoding.sketch/Data/Library/Application  Support/sketch/

Here’s my presets:

		<string>Retina Displays</string>
			<string>Large 4:3</string>
			<string>Medium 4:3</string>
			<string>Large 16:9</string>
			<string>Medium 16:9</string>
			<string>Small 16:9</string>

I have categories for: Retina, 16:9 and 5:4 displays. Only listing the ones I’ve used recently and might re-use in the future.

Have a comment? Feel free to email me.
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